Refreshing pasta "Lemon butter soy sauce pasta with scissors"
Introducing the pasta recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta" that is recommended when you feel "refreshing today". A refreshing pasta that you can enjoy with your salmon.
Material ( For 1 person )
pasta 100g (3.53oz)
Salt (for pasta) a little
Chicken fillet One
Liquor 1 tablespoon
lemon 1/2 piece
Mizuna 30g (1.06oz)
Salted butter 15g (0.53oz)
soy sauce 1 tsp
Grated garlic 1/2
Olive oil a little
Black pepper a little
Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

Introducing the pasta recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta" that is recommended when you feel "refreshing today". A refreshing pasta that you can enjoy with sake.

■ Materials
Pasta 100g (3.53oz)
1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sake
1/2 lemon mizuna 30g (1.06oz)
Salted butter 15g (0.53oz)
1 teaspoon soy sauce
Grated garlic 1/2
Olive oil a little black pepper a little

■ How to make
1. Boil the pasta on time

2. Put scissors and sake in a bakeware, wrap it, and cook it well.

Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

3. Cut the mizuna into bite-sized pieces and slice the lemon into thin slices. After loosening the heat-removed scissors, put them in a bowl.

Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

4. Add butter, soy sauce, garlic and drained pasta and mix well.

Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

5. Serve on a plate, sprinkle with olive oil and black pepper and you're done!

Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

■ The sourness of the lemon is pleasant
The soy sauce of lemon matches the mellow butter and the scent of soy sauce. Even if you put two scissors in it and have a lot of ingredients, it's delicious. The refreshing and easy-to-eat pasta is also recommended for a late lunch or a dinner menu on days when you want to enjoy alcohol.

Recipe "Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta"

"Sasami's Lemon Butter Soy Sauce Pasta" has a refreshing aftertaste and is easy to eat even on hot days. If you have trouble with the menu, give it a try!