Burdock root peperoncino

Here is a collection of recipes for peperoncino style dishes with a punch of flavor. There are five recipes: Canned Mackerel Peperoncino Style, Burdock Root Peperoncino, Shirataki Peperoncino, Stir-fried Mushrooms Peperoncino Style, and Mixed Beans Peperoncino Style.

Canned Mackerel Peperoncino Style

Recipe for "Canned Mackerel Peperoncino Style," a simple side dish using canned mackerel. The cooked cabbage, whose sweetness has been brought out, and the rich mackerel make a perfect match.

Canned Mackerel Peperoncino Style

The taste is simple but satisfying. It is perfect as a main side dish at the dinner table or as an accompaniment to beer or wine.

>>Click here for a detailed recipe " Canned Mackerel Peperoncino Style

Burdock root peperoncino

A simple recipe for "gobo peperoncino" arranged using gobo (burdock root) instead of pasta. It is simple but satisfying.

Burdock root peperoncino

The burdock root is covered with the refreshing aroma and richness of olive oil. The burdock is softened by cooking, but still has a chewy texture and a powerful flavor.

>>For a detailed recipe, click here " Burdock root peperoncino

Shirataki Pepperoncino

A simple recipe for "Shirataki Peperoncino" that will fill you up. Use more chili peppers for a more mature taste.

Shirataki Peperoncino

The contrast between the slippery shirataki mushrooms and the crispy komatsuna greens is a nice touch. The flavor of bacon, the punch of garlic, and the fresh aroma of olive oil can be fully appreciated.

>>For more detailed recipe, click here " Shirataki Peperoncino

Stir-fried mushrooms with peperoncino sauce

This recipe for "Stir-Fried Mushrooms Peperoncino Style" has a tangy and spicy flavor that lingers in the mouth. Mushrooms are stir-fried with garlic and hawk's claw in a peperoncino style.

Stir-fried mushrooms with peperoncino sauce

The wild flavor of the large cut, crunchy mushrooms matches the rich umami of the squid's salted fish! The sauce is also delicious dipped in bread.

]For a detailed recipe, click here " Stir-fried Mushrooms Peperoncino Style

Mixed Beans Peperoncino Style

A snack recipe "Mixed Beans Peperoncino Style". It can be made in a short time using steamed or canned beans.

Mixed Beans Peperoncino Style

Mixed beans, which have a nice crunchy texture, are flavored with the tangy spiciness of hawk's claws and the punchy flavor of garlic. The result is a perfect snack to accompany alcoholic beverages.

>>For a detailed recipe, click here "Mixed Beans Peperoncino Style".