KALDI Coffee Farm "Creamy Sugar Powder Banana"
All image sources are official website

"Creamy Sugar Powder Peach" and "Creamy Sugar Powder Banana" are now on sale from KALDI Coffee Farm. Both are 150g (5.29oz) and the price is 398 yen (tax included).

Creamy sugar powder is a KALDI original creaming powder that is a blend of milk and sugar. It is a type that melts both hot and iced, and this powder is also used in coffee served at KALDI stores.

"Creamy Sugar Powder Peach" that appeared this time is a creaming powder flavored with peach flavor. In addition to the richness of milk and the sweetness of sugar, you can also enjoy the taste of peach. On the other hand, "Creamy Sugar Powder Banana" is flavored with banana flavor. Both are especially recommended to add to iced coffee.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Creamy Sugar Powder Peach" "Creamy Sugar Powder Banana"
Peach on the left, banana on the right