Honey a surprise !? Yamato

Honey "Honey Arabikkuri !? Yamato" using the real container of "Arabic Yamato" will be released on May 13th.

Yamato Co., Ltd.'s long-selling liquid glue "Arabic Yamato" is now available as "easy-to-use", "clean hands", and "wet evenly" honey that is ideal for toasts and pancakes. All use the same container as the real "Arabic Yamato".

Honey a surprise !? Yamato

Honey a surprise !? Yamato

Honey a surprise !? Yamato

In the original clear plastic case, the appearance lined up in the sales floor is similar to "Arabic Yamato". It's also convenient to carry around, so it's recommended not only for everyday use but also as a small surprise gift. It cannot be used for pasting paper.

Honey a surprise !? Yamato

【Product Summary】
Product name: Honey a surprise !? Yamato price: 800 yen (excluding tax)
Honey: Made in Canada Contents: 70g (2.47oz)
Expiration date: 2 years Sale: Pre-sale on Heso Production WEB mail order site. Scheduled to start handling at station Naka stores and variety shops nationwide from early June