Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Morozoff's White Day! Introducing the flower package "Fioretto" etc.

Western confectionery for spring gifts such as White Day has appeared from Morozoff. The series "Fioretto", a series of colorful flower packages, and the new series "Gratitude" reminiscent of spring light.

The main contents and prices are as follows. All notations do not include tax.


Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Fioretto pink

"Fioretto" features a flower package. In 2020, a new palm-sized canned chocolate will be added. A lineup in full bloom that gives love and gratitude along with beautiful chocolates.

The palm-sized cans with the bouquets are made up of three different types of chocolate. Pink has a cute rose shape, berry-flavored chocolate and plain chocolate, yellow has a chocolate assortment that you can enjoy various tastes and shapes, and green has an adult mini truffle. Comes with a can and a matching mini bag, making it ideal for easy gifts.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Fioretto yellow

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Fioretto Green

There are 13 pink cans and 7 yellow and green cans, and the selling price is 600 yen.


Morozoff White Day Gift Summary

Gratitude is a series of pastel-colored fruit truffles, plain chocolate, and baked sweets in a package reminiscent of the gentle spring light.

First of all, "Fruit Truffle" is an assortment of lovely pastel-colored truffles that contain the flavors of strawberry and orange, and plain chocolate with a simple flavor. The price is 1,000 yen for 12 pieces.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude Fruit Truffle

"Plain chocolate" is a new addition of sweet and sour strawberry chocolate to plain chocolate, which is characterized by its simple taste. It is said that the color and taste are more like spring. A pack of 21 is 1,000 yen.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude plain chocolate

The "Assortment" is an assortment of truffles, plain chocolate, and cream sandwich cookies made with Amaou strawberries that contain the flavors of the three fruits. The price is 1,500 yen for 18 pieces.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude Assortment

"Sable" is a light brown box filled with baked sweets with a bright spring color. Along with the light texture, the sweet and sour scent of strawberry and lemon and the rich taste of Earl Gray spread in the mouth. The price is 1,500 yen for 18 pieces, 1,000 yen for 12 pieces, and 500 yen for 6 pieces.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude Sable 18 pieces

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude Sable 12 pieces

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
Gratitude Sable 6 pieces

The Minimals

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
The Minimals

"The Minimals", which is handled exclusively by the AEON Group, has also appeared. A box with a spring-like color accented with cute animal print embroidery is accompanied by a message tailored to each animal.

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
The Minimals Fayage Almonds

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
The Minimals Fayage Hazel

Morozoff White Day Gift Summary
The Minimals Plain Chocolate

Two types of "Fayage Almond" and "Fayage Hazel", which are packed with Morozoff's baked confectionery Fayaju, are both 500 yen for 5 pieces. "Plain chocolate" is 1,000 yen for 27 pieces.