Komeda "Shrimp cutlet bread"

The food menu "Shrimp Cutlet Bread" sold by Komeda Coffee Shop. A dish where you can enjoy shrimp cutlets wrapped in crispy clothes. The special Southern sauce enhances the sweetness of the shrimp. The price is 940 yen (tax included, price varies depending on the store).

As expected, Komeda, a volume that does not disappoint! The big bread is a size that makes you want to say, "Is it a little elbow cushion?" It is cut into three equal parts and provided, but you can also request how to cut it when ordering (it may vary depending on the store).

Komeda "Shrimp cutlet bread"

The shrimp cutlet sandwiched between the soft and airy bread has a great presence of shrimp! The finish gives you a firm, crispy texture, and shrimp appear every time you bite. The crispy feeling of freshly fried clothes.

Komeda "Shrimp cutlet bread"
It's hard to bite

The freshness of the crispy cabbage and the taste of the special Southern sauce enhance the deliciousness of the cutlet. It is a luxurious menu where you can enjoy different textures at once, such as fluffy, crispy, crispy, and crispy.

Komeda "Shrimp cutlet bread"
The batter is crispy!

Komeda's "Shrimp cutlet bread" is recommended when you want to eat solidly. Other attractive menus include " Beef Stew " and " Plenty of Egg Pizza Toast". If you're having trouble with lunch, why not stop by Komeda?