"Watermelon" with real watermelon
Just cut the watermelon and freeze it in the freezer.
Material ( For 1 person )
watermelon Appropriate amount
Stick (if any) Several
I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon
Watermelon has frozen

Summer tradition "Sui Cover". When this line up in the supermarket, I think "summer has come". You can make such a watermelon with a real watermelon!

Summer ice cream "Sui Cover"
Summer classic ice cream "Sui Cover"

● Materials

Click here for what to prepare.

Watermelon Appropriate amount stick (if any) Several

● How to make

Cut the watermelon to an appropriate thickness.

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon

Make a hole in the skin with a knife, stab it with a stick, place it on a plate or bat, and go to the freezer. If you don't have a stick, you can freeze it as it is.

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon

When the watermelon freezes crisply, it's done!

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon

● What is the taste?

It ’s delicious! Because watermelon has a lot of water, it is finished in a sherbet-like texture with a crispy texture just like a watermelon.

I tried to make a "watermelon" by freezing a real watermelon
It's crispy when you bite!

The refreshing sweetness spreads juicy while slowly melting in the mouth. It's really like a sui cover, so you'll want to eat everything from top to bottom, but be aware that you can't eat seeds and skins.

If you freeze it overnight, it will become a completely squishy cover, but I wonder if it is delicious to eat in a half-frozen state in a short time. Try it for a snack this summer!