Lawson "Devil's Rice Ball (Sichuan-style Dandan Noodle Flavor)"

At each Lawson store (excluding some stores), the new "Devil's Onigiri" series "Devil's Onigiri (Sichuan-style Dandan Noodle Flavor)" is on sale. The price is 140 yen (tax included).

This is a addictive tantan-style seasoned meat miso wrapped in rice mixed with chili peppers. Chili pepper, spicy miso, sesame paste, Chinese pepper, and chili oil are added to the meat miso.

Lawson "Devil's Rice Ball (Sichuan-style Dandan Noodle Flavor)"
Devil's rice ball (Sichuan style dandan noodle flavor)

The meat miso inside is more spicy than I expected! Each time you chew, the flavor of the pepper spreads softly, and after swallowing, a tingling numbness remains around your throat. Spicy aftertaste and appetizing finish! It is an irresistible dish for those who like "horse spicy".

Lawson "Devil's Rice Ball (Sichuan-style Dandan Noodle Flavor)"
Horse spicy

If you are a fan of "devil's rice balls", you should try Lawson's "devil's rice balls (Sichuan style dandan noodle flavor)". You can leave it as it is, but it is recommended that you warm it up!