Cocos Summer Lunch Summary

New summer items will appear on the weekday lunch menu at Cocos. The new items include "Cocotte hamburger lunch with tomato sauce and cheese," "Thick cod roe with kama-age shirasu and shiso leaves," "Triple Grill Lunch," and "Fresh Mango Crepe," available from June 9 to late August.

Cocotte hamburger lunch with rich tomato sauce and cheese

Cocos Summer Lunch Summary

The "Cocotte Hamburger Grunch with Tomato Sauce and Cheese" is one of the "Cocotte Hamburger Grunch" series, which includes a plate of stone oven bread, salad, and natural water jelly, and a soup bar.

The "Cocotte Hamburger Grunch" is a combination of Cocos' classic "Cocotte Hamburger" with tomato sauce and cheese. Two different types of tomato sauce with different characteristics are mixed together to create a tasty and acidic flavor, and the cheese makes it even richer.

The sauce and cheese can be enjoyed by dipping the hamburger steak, bacon, broccoli, and snap peas in the sauce, or by eating it with the sticky, savory stone oven bread. The stone oven bread can be replaced with rice. A large serving of rice is free. The price is 869 yen (tax included).

Thick cod roe with kama-age shirasu and shiso leaves

Cocos Summer Lunch Summary

The "Kama-age shirasu and shiso leaf mentaiko" is one of the "Choice of Pasta Lunch" which includes one of five types of pasta, salad, drink bar, and soup bar.

It is considered to be a popular item on the grand menu and is now available as a lunch item. The pasta is made with mentaiko (spicy cod roe), which has a characteristic crunchy texture and is cooked at a low temperature, topped with a generous amount of shirasu and shiso leaves and shredded nori seaweed. The fresh aroma of the shiso leaves and the gentle taste of the shirasu go well with the rich mentaiko sauce. The price is 792 yen.

Triple Grilled Lunch

Cocos Summer Lunch Summary

Triple Grill Lunch" is one of our "plate lunches" that comes with a large serving of free rice and a soup bar.

It is considered an iron plate lunch with hamburger steak, garlic sausage, and chicken steak with a total weight of over 300 grams. The juicy hamburger steak is finished with Cocos' signature sweet japonegi sauce. You can also enjoy the garlic steak sauce, which is an optional garnish to complement the chicken steak. Rice can be changed to stone oven bread. The selling price is 1,089 yen. The hamburger steak size can be changed from 115g (4.06oz) to 150g (5.29oz) for an additional 110 yen.

Fresh Mango Crepe

Cocos Summer Lunch Summary

Fresh Mango Crepe" is one of the "Lunch Desserts". Apple mango, a seasonal fruit, is placed on a sticky crepe and served with fluffy whipped cream. The frozen strawberries sprinkled all over the crepe are a lovely touch, and the appearance of the crepe is also a reminder of the summer season. The price is 396 yen.

In principle, all Cocos stores will carry the product, with a few exceptions. The Yamaguchi-Ube Airport store and Tempozan Market Place store will not sell them.