Segafredo “Simple Italian” Themed Winter Menu

Segafredo Zanetti Espresso will feature a new winter menu with the theme of "Simple Italian". Two types of panini, one type of pasta and four types of antipasto will be available from November 12th.

Margherita DOC

"Margherita DOC" uses abundant mozzarella buffala made from buffalo milk in focaccia with a fluffy texture. A panini with a classic pizza that combines tomato sauce and basil. The selling price is 580 yen (tax included, same below).

Cuatro Formage

"Quattro Formage" uses four types of cheese, mozzarella buffala, red cheddar, pecorino romano, and ricotta cheese in a fluffy focaccia, and the classic pizza with honey added to the finish is arranged in panini. I am.

Panini is baked in a special toaster for each order, so you can enjoy the contrast between the browned outer bread and the ingredients inside. The selling price is 580 yen.

Basil bacon

"Basilico bacon" is a simple pasta with bacon that goes well with basil sauce. The selling price is 800 yen.

Rosemary potatoes

"Rosemary potatoes" are antipasto that goes well with beer, which is a mixture of grilled potatoes with abundant rosemary and bacon and garlic. The selling price is 450 yen.

Carbonara gratin

"Carbonara gratin" is finished in gratin by combining rigatoni with carbonara sauce. Antipasto is characterized by the aroma of baked cheese and the rich taste of the sauce. The selling price is 520 yen.

Marinated seafood tomato

"Marinated seafood tomato" is a simple tomato marinade made from seafood such as shrimp, scallops, and squid. An antipasto that goes well with wine. The selling price is 540 yen.

Octopus basil marinade

"Octopus basil marinade" is a dish of large raw octopus slices marinated in a generous amount of basil sauce. An antipasto that goes well with wine. The selling price is 540 yen.