Andes "Mint Parfait Shin" and "Cream Mint Shin"

Andean mint chocolate, which is popular in the United States. I found "Mint Parfait Shin" and "Cream Mint Shin" in KALDI, so I bought them.

The mint parfait cin is marked by a refreshing mint-colored package. When you open it, the scent of mint tickles your nasal passages. Inside the wrapping paper is a three-layered chocolate with milk chocolate sandwiched with mint chocolate.

Andes "Mint Parfait Shin"
Foreign sweets-like package

The first thing you will notice is the refreshing mint flavor. The chocolate then spreads the mellow sweetness, and finally the mint wraps the sweetness to leave a refreshing aftertaste. The tongue is soothing like when I ate a mint tablet! Maybe it can be used to awaken drowsiness ...?

Andes "Mint Parfait Shin"
Mentha is refreshing!

The cream mint thin is marked by a deep green package. This is milk chocolate with mint chocolate sandwiched between them.

Andes "Cream Mint Shin"
Logo on individual wrapping

Due to the large amount of milk chocolate, the mint flavor is weaker than that of mint parfait. However, it leaves a refreshing taste in the mouth. Some American sweets are insanely sweet, which is a must for black coffee, but thanks to mint, it's not too sweet! The balance between sweetness and freshness is exquisite, and it is delicious even if you are not a Chocomin party.

Andes "Cream Mint Shin"
I just eat about 5

Both are nice points because they have a large capacity of 28 pieces in one box. Not only can you fully enjoy chocolate mint alone, but it may be fun to share it with the chocolate mint party.