Ginza Cozy Corner "Seasonal Luxury Fruit Roll (Maskmelon from Shizuoka)"
Luxurious topping with melon

"Premium Friday Limited Sweets" will be available at each Ginza Cozy Corner store on July 28th. A new roll cake using mask melon "Seasonal luxury fruit roll (Mask melon from Shizuoka)" will be on sale for one day only. The price is 540 yen (tax included).

At the Ginza Cozy Corner, one-day limited "slightly premium sweets" are on sale to coincide with the monthly "Premium Friday" that started in February 2017.

In July, a roll cake using Shizuoka melon, which is characterized by its elegant sweetness, mellow scent, and fresh and smooth mouthfeel. Shizuoka melons and seasonal fruits are placed on top of a yellow peach and cream roll cake.

A one-day limited cake that is a little more premium than usual, just like a fruit parfait. Whether you can get up to work quickly or work hard as usual, how about a reward for yourself?