Lindt Chocolat Cafe Ginza Store "Lindt Dome Chocolat Agrum"
7th anniversary of opening!

At the Linz Chocolat Cafe Ginza store, a limited dessert menu "Lindt Dome Chocolat Agrum" will be released on June 9th to commemorate the 7th anniversary of its opening. The price is 1,890 yen (tax included).

Dome chocolate that combines dark chocolate from Linz with agrum (French, meaning citrus) of refreshing lime, orange and grapefruit. It contains lime and fromage blanc parfait glasse, moist biscuit chocolate and whipped cream.

Lindt Chocolat Cafe Ginza Store "Lindt Dome Chocolat Agrum"
Add fruit around the dome

When you sprinkle hot chocolate, the dome-shaped chocolate begins to melt slowly, and dessert appears from inside. From the moment you put chocolate on it until you finish eating it, you can enjoy the changing appearance and taste.

Lindt Chocolat Cafe Ginza Store "Lindt Dome Chocolat Agrum"
Plenty of hot chocolate