Original Pancake House Honey French Toast "Strawberry Love"
"Strawberry love" with plenty of strawberries

The new menu "Honey French Toast" will be on sale from November 25th at each of the Original Pancake House stores.

This is a special honey toast with French toast soaked in rich apareil (egg liquid) and baked. It is finished with ice cream, custard, whipped cream, etc.

"Strawberry Love" (1,580 yen plus tax) with plenty of sweet and sour strawberries, "Caramel Heart" (1,380 yen) that matches fragrant caramel and sweet banana, and "Classic Chocolat" (1,380 yen) where you can enjoy sweet and bittersweet chocolate. Three types are lined up.

Original Pancake House Honey French Toast "Caramel Heart"
Caramel heart

Original Pancake House Honey French Toast "Classic Chocolat"
Classic chocolate