Lindt Chocolat Cafe "Lindt Fondant O Chocolat Noisette"
Chocolate melts

At the Linz Chocolat Cafe (excluding some stores), "Lindt Fondant O Chocolat Noisette" will be offered as an autumn / winter cafe menu from October 1st. Limited time until January 5, 2017. The price is 918 yen (tax included).

This is a chocolate dessert in which warm hazelnut praline cream melts from a rich chocolate dough. Decorated with whipped cream with pralines, caramelised hazelnuts, chocolate chips and chocolate with the Linz logo.

Lindt Chocolat Cafe "Lindt Fondant O Chocolat Noisette"
Served in a cup

Only at the Ginza store, a plate-filled dessert, Linz fondant au chocolat noisette, will be offered. When entwined with cold vanilla ice cream, you can enjoy the contrast between warmth and coldness in one plate. The price is 1,836 yen (tax included).

Lindt Chocolat Cafe "Lindt Fondant O Chocolat Noisette" Dessert on a plate
Limited to Ginza store!