Are you a fan of checking coupons when eating outside?
Some people don't like it because it's a hassle, but if it's a little profitable! I think there are people who say that. By the way, I'm a checker.

Did you know that women-only coupons have recently appeared on coupon sites such as "GourNavi" and "Hot Pepper"? Is it an appeal for women who check the site with beans? I'm glad I was a girl. Cheers for the women.

BIGLOBE has released "Sotogohan Navi", a restaurant search app that is perfect for women who say "I love eating, check coupons properly!". Currently, only the iPhone version is being distributed, but the Android version will also be distributed in October.

BIGLOBE releases "Sotogohan Navi", a restaurant search app for women
BIGLOBE releases "Sotogohan Navi", a restaurant search app for women

The feature is that you can search about 300,000 restaurant information at once in cooperation with the popular gourmet information sites "Gourmet Navigator", "Hot Pepper Gourmet", "Hitosara", and " Restaurant".

It is said that it will give priority to the shops recommended for women, such as coupons for women and shops with girls-only gathering plans. You can easily find a premium plan course for special occasions.

You can also present coupons at the store and reserve premium plans from the "Sotogohan Navi" app. Well convenient.

Anyway, if you want to eat outside, you want to eat delicious food, and if it's a little profitable, it's even better ...! It's an app that fulfills the desires of women. Please take advantage of it and enjoy the autumn of appetite.