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[Tasting] Compare lunch pack and snack sandwich "egg"! What is the difference between the two?

The "Lunch Pack" series and the "Snack Sandwich" series are easy and convenient to eat. I tried and compared these two kinds of "egg" flavors. What is the difference in taste and texture?

Packed egg

"Lunch Pack Eggs" sold by Yamazaki Baking, with egg fillings sandwiched between soft breads. Two pieces in one bag, calories are 146 kcal. The purchase price is 127 yen (tax included, same below).

Packed egg

The color of the bread is whiter than that of the snack sandwich. It is soft and fluffy when bitten, and has a slight sweetness. Smooth egg filling on white meat cut into small pieces. It seems that dressing is used for filling, and it is rich. It goes perfectly with bread.

Snack sandwich egg

"Snack sandwich egg" with roasted eggs sold by Fuji Baking. Two pieces in one bag, calories are 137kcal. The purchase price is 105 yen.

Snack sandwich egg

Impression that it is a little thicker than the packed lunch. While the packed lunch was "fluffy", this bread has a "moist and chewy" texture. The filling is more mellow than the packed lunch. It is mellow overall, but the aftertaste is lighter than the packed lunch. However, did you feel the volume here?

The big difference is the texture of the bread and the "moistness" of the egg filling. Why don't you try the egg sandwich you care about?

The top is a packed lunch and the bottom is a snack sandwich
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