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Snow crab is also included! Tenya's over 1,000 yen I ate "Feast Tendon"

Snow crab!

"Tendon Tenya" is nice to be able to eat Tendon for around 500 yen. However, the "Feast Tendon" that appeared as a seasonal menu is as high as 1,080 yen. It's a gorgeous cup with crabs and scallops.

The tempura on the feast tempura bowl is full of Hokkaido scallops, snow crab, dried atka mackerel, garland chrysanthemum, shrimp, lotus root, and so on.

There is a huge amount of tempura on it

First from the crab. At first glance, it looks a bit like shrimp heaven, but instead of its tail, it has a bright red colored chopstick as a decoration. I wondered if it really contained it, and when I tore the batter with a chopstick and checked it, a bright scarlet crab meat appeared. When I bite it, I feel supple. The flavor is very light. It seems that you will be confused by the taste of the batter that has been soaked in the sauce, so it seems good to chew slowly and enjoy it.

Snow crab! Chew slowly

Next is scallops. When I put my teeth on the round tempura, I thought it had a supple feel, but it quickly crumbled. The smell of shellfish is so strong that it claims to be seafood.

Scallops! Soft and strong scent of shellfish

Continue to the dried fish heaven of Atka mackerel. It is a very large and voluminous white fish fillet, and although it is cramped, it is not hard. The taste of fish is strong and it really tastes like string. The saltiness is good, but it's not so salty that it loses the balance of the tendon bowl. It's a taste of rice. However, it may be more enjoyable if you have a small amount of sauce when ordering.

Dried atka mackerel. It's very big.

When I finish eating the atka mackerel, I'm quite full, but I still have tempura. The garland chrysanthemum kakiage has a strong vegetable scent and is delicious. A feeling of size like kakiage and a soft and crispy texture.

Crowndaisy. It's a scraping style

The tempura that looks powerful continues, so the shrimp tempura looks smaller than it is, but it is also delicious. Lotus root is preferably crispy. At this point, I finally feel relieved to be enjoying the "usual tendon".

When everything is flattened, you will be completely full. It is also comfortable to refresh your mouth with miso soup or tea. In addition, the calories of the feast tempura bowl are quite large at 1,096 kcal. If you ask for lunch, reduce the amount of breakfast and get hungry enough before trying strategically.
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Tendon Tenya
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