Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade / Tropical Pink

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade/Tropical Pink,

a 7-ELEVEN Limited Edition Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade and Starbucks ME MOMENT Tropical Pink will be available exclusively at 7-ELEVEN on June 18. The estimated price is 168 yen (excluding tax).


ME MOMENT Starbucks ME MOMENT is a bottled refreshment drink that allows customers to enjoy the combination of tea and fruit juice. Based on the concept of "my own personal moment to colorfully add color to my everyday life," Starbucks developed the drink with an awareness of the delicious, fun, and unique taste that the harmony of tea and fruit juice creates. The drink is comfortable to drink, and its vivid colors are sure to make your heart jump just by looking at it. One sip and the fruity flavor will fill your mouth with energy and cheer you up for the day ahead.

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade / Tropical Pink

The package design is colorful and transparent, with an illustration depicting fresh fruit juice and the overlapping aroma of multiple fruits. The design also features the brand's iconic logo in the center of the package to create a sense of "ME MOMENT," a time for you to enjoy yourself with Starbucks in a colorful, personalized way.

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade

combines refreshing lemon and white grape juice with Dimbula tea and a subtle hint of yuzu as an aftertaste. The citrus flavor envelops the entire drink, giving it a refreshing taste.

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tea Lemonade

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tropical Pink

This caffeine-free drink combines apple and peach juices, hibiscus tea, and tropical flavors such as watermelon and mangosteen to create a perfect blend of refreshing acidity and gentle sweetness. It has an uplifting taste that makes you feel as if you are out at a resort.

Starbucks ME MOMENT Tropical Pink

Click here for related article: Shateraise: Setouchi Lemon Sweets Summary: "Setouchi Lemon and Tea Crepe Cake," "Setouchi Lemon Cup Dessert," etc.