Lawson's new sweets and breads

Lawson's New Sweets and Breads to be Released on June 4

Lawson's new sweets and breads to be released on June 4 will be introduced here. The lineup includes "Melting Reward Cake" and "Hobokurim - Almost Cream Puffs - (Kinako & Warabimochi).

* Source of all images is the official website
* Prices include tax
* May not be available in all stores and regions.

Melting Reward Cake

Lawson "Melting Reward Cake

A sponge and cream cake with soft sponge and light cream that melts in your mouth. Price: 333 yen.

Hobokurim - Almost Cream Puff - (Kinako & Warabimochi

Lawson "Hobokurim - Almost Cream Puffs - (Kinako & Warabimochi)

Thin dough puff filled with kinako cream and warabi mochi (bracken rice cake). Price: 235 yen.

Marunaga Seika Melting Condensed Milk Shirokuma

Marunaga Seika Melting condensed milk Shirokuma

The top and condensed milk ice portion are filled with condensed milk, allowing you to fully enjoy the flavor of the melted condensed milk and the combination of fruit and azuki beans. Priced at 333 yen.

NL Mochi Mochi Margarine Sandwich (2 pieces)

Lawson "NL Glutinous Margarine Sandwich, 2 pieces"

A delicious margarine sandwich with just the right amount of saltiness from the margarine and a sticky texture. The price is 149 yen.

NL Mochi

White Bread Ham & Cheese 2

Lawson "NL Glutinous White Bread - Ham & Cheese - 2pcs"

White bread with a delicious sticky texture. Ham & Cheese 2 pieces. Price: 149 yen.

NL Glutinous white bread - Cheese cream & Double berry 2pcs.

Lawson "NL Glutinous Bread - Cheese Cream & Double Berry 2pcs"

Sticky buns accented with the sour taste of berries. Price: 171 yen.

NL Sunflower Seed and Minor Grain Anpan 2pcs.

Lawson "NL Sunflower Seed and Millet Anpan 2pcs.

Anpan with sunflower seeds and millet dough, filled with sweet bean jam. Price: 160 yen.


Ham and Cheese Bread

with Sunflower Seeds and Minor Grains (2 pieces)
Lawson "NL Sunflower Seed and Millet Ham and Cheese Bread 2pcs"

Dough with sunflower seeds and millet, wrapped with ham and cheese cream. The price is 171 yen.


Minor Grain Milk French

Bread (2 pieces)
LAWSON "NL Millet Milk France 2pcs.

Chewy milk French bread with milk cream sandwiched in. Price: 160 yen.

Apple Custard Danish

Lawson "Apple Custard Danish".

A satisfying Danish filled with apple custard. The price is 138 yen.

Click here to read the related article: McDonald's "McFlurry Apricot Mango", "McShake Salt Lychee" and "Banana Caramel Pie" to be released on June 5!