Kentucky "Kenta Lunch" sales hours changed.
Source: KFC official website

KFC "KENTA LUNCH" Selling Hours Changed from October 25

The selling hours of "KENTA LUNCH" served during lunch hours at Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) restaurants have been changed since October 25.

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Kenta Lunch


was available from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. before the change, but will be available from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from October 25 onward. Kenta Lunch" will continue to be available every day, including weekends and holidays.

Kenta L

KFC "Kenta Lunch

A special lunch set that will be available from 10:00 to 15:00 every day. The maximum discount is 140 yen less than usual. A wide variety of items are available, including "Twister Set," "Original Chicken 2 Piece Set," "Chicken Filet Burger Set," "Spicy Chicken Filet Burger Set," and "Japanese Style Chicken Katsu Burger Set. The list of eligible menu items and details can be found on KFC's official website.

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Related article: Kentucky "Chicken Cream Pot Pie" and "Demi-glace Pot Pie" will be available in limited quantities from November 1!
Related article here: Kentucky (KFC) "Garlic Pepper Chicken Fillet Burger" with appetizing "Garlic Pepper Sauce", spicy and crispy, available in limited quantities from October 25