Tully's Coffee "Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich Set


I actually ordered and tried the morning menu offered at Tully's Coffee!

The morning menu is available from opening until 11:30 a.m. (may vary by store). The store the author visited offered the following 6 menu items (as of August 2023). All prices are set prices.

Croque-monsieur hot sandwich set priced from 650 yen
・ Buttery French toast set priced from 650 yen
・ English muffin ham and egg set priced from 630 yen
・ Ham cheese and salad sandwich set priced from 630 yen
・ Plentiful egg sandwich set priced from 630 yen
Ballpark Dog Plain Set prices range from 580 yen

Tully's Morning Set
(Image taken from the official website)

You can choose from the following drinks.

Today's coffee
Iced coffee
Tea (original/watered iced tea)

You can also change to any drink for an additional charge.

Cafe Latte +44 yen
Royal Milk Tea +66 yen
Soy Latte +99 yen
Yogurt & Acai +165 yen


This time I ordered a Croque-Monsieur hot sandwich! This time, I ordered a croque-monsieur hot sandwich!

Tully's Coffee "Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich Set

The Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich is a creamy béchamel sauce, cheese, and flavorful roast ham sandwich. The slight browning is irresistible.

Tully's Coffee "Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich Set

The béchamel sauce is melt-in-your-mouth! It is very creamy and mild, and you can enjoy its rich flavor. The cheese and ham are combined with the saltiness of the sauce, and the simplicity of the sauce gives the dish a consistent taste.

Tully's Coffee "Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich Set

The bread is also moist and fluffy. The crispy ear part in particular adds a nice accent to the bread. The iced coffee has a slightly stronger bitter taste. It has a clear taste and is good for mornings when you want to refresh yourself.

Tully's Coffee "Croque-Monsieur Hot Sandwich Set

Tully's Coffee's morning menu "Croque-Monsieur's Hot Sandwich". Be sure to try the other items on the menu.