Cocos Lascal 3D Magnet Vol. 8

Coco's Rascal 3D Magnet Vol. 8

Coco's is introducing the 8th "Pitatto! Rascal Magnet" featuring the character "Rascal the Rabbit" will be introduced sequentially at Coco's starting from the stores where the 7th magnet has been sold. The magnet will be attached to any order of the menu items.

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If you order a menu item with a "Lascal magnet", you will receive a random "Pitatto! Lascal 3D magnet" will be randomly attached to your order. The 8th issue is the "Everybody's Favorite Fruits Rascal" version, in which Rascal and his girlfriend Lily are transformed into the fruits that everyone loves, including children! The costume design is full of cuteness, featuring lemons, strawberries, and pine muscats, all of which are seasonal fruits offered at Coco's. The apple costume is especially cute, and the apple costume is a must-have for those who love apples.

The apple costume is a pairing of Rascal and his girlfriend Lily, and when worn together, the two can cheerfully walk hand in hand in a funny scene. The six charming costumes will make you want to eat fruit, and we are confident that the color scheme has been carefully chosen.

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