Pizza Hut "Buy a reissued Legends 4L size pizza and get two M size pizzas free too!"

Pizza Hut: Buy a Reissue

Legend 4L size pizza and get 2 M size p

izzas for free Pizza Hut will offer a special summer vacation program: "Buy a Reissue Legend 4L size pizza and get 2 M size pizzas for free". The offer will be available for three days only, from July 28 to July 30.

Buy a Legend 4L

pizza and get two M-size pizzas

for free! This campaign offers two free pizzas, a Jaga Mayo Corn M-size and a Pizza Hut Margherita M-size, with the purchase of one Legend 4L pizza. This campaign is perfect for parties with friends, family, or relatives. The regular price of 8,960 yen is 4,980 yen (a savings of 3,980 yen)!

Not available at some stores.
Price may differ at some stores.
* Limited quantity.
Delivery fee of 250 yen per delivery will be charged.
Dough is available only at Handtoss.

Summer Vacation Special Lunch Set


is also available on weekdays from July 31 to August 10 for 9 days only. This set includes the most popular menu items at a reasonable price of 366 yen per person, making both mothers and children happy.

Pizza Hut Weekday "Summer Vacation Special Lunch Set

Not available on August 5 and 6.
Not available at some stores.
Prices may differ at some stores.
* Limited quantities available; sales may end at certain stores.
Dough choices are "hand tossed", "crispy", and "pan pizza".
* Pan pizza dough will cost an additional 100 yen (M) and 150 yen (L) at some stores.