Bandai Candy Division "Coonuts Pokémon 7
(Image taken from the official website)


Pokémon 7

Coonuts Pokémon 7 will be available in March from Bandai Candy Division. The price is 275 yen per piece (tax included).

The 7th Pokémon series of "Coonuts," a cute format that can be enjoyed by spinning, shaking, and twisting, will be released in November 2022, and will feature new Pokémon, including Meowha, Hogeta, and Kwassu, which will newly appear in the completely new "Pokémon Scarlet Violet," which will be released in November 2022, and Pokémon LEGENDS Arceus. The lineup includes a total of 16 varieties, including Pokemon in Region Form from the Jade Region that appeared in "Pokemon LEGENDS Arceus". One gum (soda flavor).

The lineup is as follows

1. Pikachu (Oren only)
2. Eevee (female form) (Himera only)
3. Nyoha
4. Hogeta
5. Kwassu
6. Mokuro
7. Hinoarashi
8. Mijumaru
9. Gardy
10. Gardy (jade form)
11. Zoroa
12. Zoroa (jade form)
13. Gengar
14. Mimikyu
15. Renter
16. Sir Knight

(C) Pokémon.
(C) Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.