Seijo Ishii: "Butter and Soy Sauce Salad with Cod Roe and Potatoes

I found this "Tarako and Potato Salad with Butter and Soy Sauce" in the prepared food section of Seijo Ishii. I was attracted by the absolutely delicious combination of potatoes, butter, and cod roe, so I bought it.

Butter and Soy Sauce Salad with Potatoes and Potatoes

This potato salad is made by combining potatoes with butter, soy sauce, mayonnaise, boiled egg, cucumber, and onions. The use of white wine vinegar adds a refreshing sourness. The price is 431 yen (tax included).

Seijo Ishii: "Butter and Soy Sauce Salad with Cod Roe and Potatoes

The potatoes are still in their original shape, but the overall texture is moist and crunchy. You can even feel a few grains of cod roe on your tongue. The crunchy texture of the cucumbers and onions that you occasionally encounter is a nice accent.

Seijo Ishii's "Butter and Soy Sauce Salad with Cod Roe and Potatoes

The taste was much lighter than I had imagined. The sweetness of the potatoes, the savory taste of the soy sauce, the richness of the butter and mayonnaise, and the flavor of the cod roe all come together to create a deep flavor. The potatoes are satisfying, but not too rich, so you can enjoy it lightly without getting bored. It is also a great snack.

Seijo Ishii: "Butter and Soy Sauce Salad with Cod Roe and Potatoes

You can eat it as it is, use it as a filling for sandwiches, or use it as a garnish for a plate of food. one pack contains a lot of it, so you can enjoy it in various ways.