Matsukawaya Pokemon Valentine's Day Sweets

Valentine's Day Sweets from Matsukaya's confectionary brand "Meinerolen

Matsufuya's confectionary brand "Meinerolen" has introduced the "Pokémon" series as Valentine's Day sweets for 2022. The "Chocolate Set L (Pokémon)," "Pikachu Goodnight Tins (Pokémon)," and "Eevee & Friends Tins (Pokémon)" are available at mass retailers and department stores nationwide.

Choco Set L (Pokémon)

Matsukawaya Pokemon Valentine's Day Sweets

Choco Set L (Pokémon) is an assortment of chocolates with designs of Pikachu, Eevee, Kabigon, Metamon, and many other Pokémon. It contains 15 pieces, weighing 91.5 grams each, and is priced at 2,160 yen (tax included).

Pikachu Good Night Can (Pokémon)

Matsukawaya Pokemon Valentine's Day Sweets

The "Pikachu Good Night Can (Pokémon)" features a design of Pikachu sleeping. It contains petit puffs, milk chocolate crunch, and white chocolate crunch. 6 pieces, priced at 1,296 yen.

Eevee & Friends Can (Pokémon)

Matsukawaya Pokemon Valentine's Day Sweets

The "Eevee & Friends Cans (Pokémon)" feature cans with designs of Eevee and its evolved Pokémon. It comes in a pack of six and is priced at 1,080 yen.