Conveyor belt sushi Misaki "Domestic Shirako Warship" "Ankimo Warship"

Conveyor belt sushi Misaki will sell products using domestically produced Pacific cod milt and Ankimo, which has been carefully prepared by craftsmen, for a limited time as "seasonal material" that provides the special material procured from the Toyosu market.

At "Conveyor Belt Sushi Misaki", at the Toyosu Market, where special fish and shellfish from all over Japan are gathered, connoisseurs carefully select seasonal ingredients that differ depending on the season and day, and send them directly to the store, and the craftsmen carefully handle the fish and shellfish one by one. We provide "Toyosu direct delivery! Seasonal fish sushi". This time, sushi and side menus using "domestic milt" and "ankimo" will be introduced as ingredients unique to winter.

Domestic milt is boiled raw in the store without freezing, and you can enjoy the creamy and rich taste with a soft and melty texture. In addition, craftsmen prepare raw Ankimo in a soy sauce-based soup stock at the store, and provide "Ankimo" that emphasizes the taste as a warship or boiled. The lineup is as follows.

Domestic Shirako warship price is 340 yen (excluding tax, the same applies below)

Ankimo warship price is 210 yen