7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

Do you know the "range and fluffy French toast" sold at the 7-Eleven refrigerated corner? It tastes like French toast from a specialty store and is full of volume.

Fluffy French toast in the microwave

As the name suggests, French toast is warmed in the microwave and eaten. It's about the size of a whole slice of 5 slices of bread, and when you pick it up, you'll feel a lot of weight. The price is 397 yen (tax included).

7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

When heating, open the bag a little and go to the microwave as it is. Warm at 500W for 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

I tried to eat
7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

French toast with a soft sweet scent. When you cut it with a knife and carry it to your mouth, it has a fluffy texture! When chewed, the richness and sweetness of the egg overflows, and the rich taste spreads throughout the mouth. Quality that you can believe even if it is called French toast of a specialty store ...!

7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

7-ELEVEN "French toast in the microwave"

Eating one is quite voluminous and has a large calorie of 622 kcal, so it's more like a light meal than a snack. I think it makes me happy to have this on a holiday brunch.