Ministop "Luxury Crunch Chocolat"
Belgian chocolate soft with luxurious toppings!

I tried the limited quantity soft serve "Luxury Crunch Chocolat" sold at Ministop. The crispy Belgian chocolate soft, crispy biscuits and nuts, and the melting sauce go perfectly together.

Ministop "Luxury Crunch Chocolat"
Soft roasted almonds and cocoa biscuits

The price is 343 yen (tax included) and the calories are 314 kcal. Two different Belgian chocolate sauces are applied to the Belgian chocolate soft, which is a popular menu of MINISTOP. One is a soft and crispy sauce, and the other is a rich and melty sauce. Furthermore, it is topped with crispy and fragrant roasted almonds and crispy, bittersweet black cocoa biscuits.

Ministop "Luxury Crunch Chocolat"
Good compatibility with crispy cones

When you scoop it with a spoon and bring it to your mouth, it has a deep cacao scent and a strong sweetness. It has a characteristic of Belgian chocolate soft, and the biscuits with a nice texture are accented, and you can enjoy the savory smell and texture of nuts.

Ministop "Luxury Crunch Chocolat"
With two kinds of sauces, crispy and melty!

The chocolate sauce that hardens has a crispy, polo-polo texture, reminiscent of the chocolate coating on ice bars. The melty chocolate sauce has a smooth texture even when it is cold, further enhancing the flavor of Belgian chocolate soft.

The corn has a sweet chocolate flavor. You can enjoy a lively and crispy texture that is slightly different from the topping biscuits and nuts when you bite into it from the edge.