FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

"Jagarico de Potato Salad" is on sale at each FamilyMart store (excluding some stores). The price is 167 yen (excluding tax). Hokkaido / Tohoku / Kanto (including Shizuoka Prefecture) will be on sale from October 15th, and Chubu / Kinki / Chugoku-Shikoku / Kyushu / Okinawa areas will be on sale from October 29th.

This is a product that you can easily enjoy potato salad by adding hot water to "Jagarico" and "Potato Salad Source" and mixing for 1 minute. There are two flavors, "Jagarico de Potato Salad" and "Jagarico de Potato Salad Tarako Butter". This time I made a standard "Jagarico de potato salad".

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"
Jagarico de potato salad

Easy to make. After opening the lid of the cup, add "Jagarico" and "Potato Salad Source".

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

Pour boiling water up to the line inside the cup.

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

Stir well for 1 minute and you're done!

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

When I transfer it to a plate, oh! It's more like potato salad than I expected! I was worried about the first 10 seconds of stirring, "Isn't it powdery?", But after stirring for about 40 seconds, the whole thing became moist.

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

When I try to eat a bite ... it's amazing! Certainly "potato salad"! The mashed potatoes, which are firmly pasty, have a moist texture and a moderate saltiness. It looks gorgeous with corn, carrots and zucchini. The crunchy texture of "Jagarico" that appears occasionally is a good accent. I'm addicted to the slightly junk taste that passes softly!

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad"

FamilyMart "Jagarico de Potato Salad" allows you to easily enjoy "potato salad" simply by pouring hot water and mixing. It's perfect for snacks and midnight snacks as well as for your usual lunch. Please pick it up!