Seijo Ishii's "Red Grape Sparkling" "White Grape Sparkling" "Pomegranate Mix Sparkling"

A slightly carbonated drink made from 100% Seijo Ishii juice. I drank "Red Grape Sparkling", "White Grape Sparkling" and "Pomegranate Mix Sparkling". No colorings or fragrances are used.

Seijo Ishii's "Red Grape Sparkling" "White Grape Sparkling" "Pomegranate Mix Sparkling"

◆ Red Grape Sparkling
Uses American Concord juice. The fruity scent already drifts from the moment you open the lid. The bright purple juice is so rich that it doesn't disappoint. Carbonic acid gently snuggles up to the powerful sweetness, and when swallowed, only deep richness remains on the tongue.

Seijo Ishii's "Red Grape Sparkling"

◆ White Grape Sparkling
Uses Chilean Muscat juice. A clean finish compared to red grapes. The elegant aroma and sweetness spread. Lemon is also used, and although it is not sour, the aftertaste is very refreshing.

Seijo Ishii's "White Grape Sparkling"

◆ Pomegranate Mix Sparkling
A well-balanced mix of 35% pomegranate juice, apple juice and muscat juice. The image of the pomegranate and apples first, and the muscat scent at the end. Sweet and sour pops with carbonic acid bubbles.

Seijo Ishii's "Pomegranate Mix Sparkling"

The purchase price is 215 yen for red grape and white grape, and 259 yen for pomegranate mix. The rich taste of each fruit and the pleasant stimulation of slight carbonic acid are perfect when you want to refresh.