KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"

"Moheji no Watorifu" is on sale at KALDI Coffee Farm. The price is 615 yen (tax included).

This is a Japanese-flavored truffle chocolate made from Moheji's original products. There are 6 different flavors in the Japanese pattern package.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"
Package that seems to contain Japanese miscellaneous goods

・ Kinako
Uses "fragrant soybean flour" roasted using carefully selected domestic soybeans. Inside the mellow white chocolate, there is a smooth kinako filling. It has a fragrant and rich taste like "kinako latte".

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"
I knew it was delicious before I ate it

・ Yuzu
Uses "Yuzu Juice 100%" from Kyushu with no preservatives or coloring agents added. Yuzu that pops in a rich sweetness. Moderate acidity leads to a refreshing aftertaste.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"
The yellow pattern is nice

Uses Shikuwasa "Okinawa Prefecture Shikuwasa Juice 100%". A mild finish that makes me wonder if there is a tsundere acidity of Shikuwasa. Of the 6 types, chocolate is the most bitter and mature taste.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"

・ Amazake
We use "rice koji amazake made from domestic rice", which is made by scraping the surface of rice and carefully preparing only the delicious part in the center. The flavor of amazake is not so strong, and the elegant sweetness wraps the tongue.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"

・ Soy sauce
We use "Moheji soy sauce", a rich soy sauce made from domestically produced whole soybeans, domestic wheat, and sun-dried salt. At first, the rich sweetness predominates. Later, the umami will gradually spread. The gradation of taste from chocolate to soy sauce is exquisite.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"

・ Wasabi
Uses "grated raw wasabi", which is a blend of genuine wasabi from Shizuoka prefecture and horseradish. The wasabi flavor is vivid even in cacao! I don't feel the spiciness, but the refreshing scent that goes through my nose is just wasabi. Mysterious sensations become addictive.

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"
There is wasabi chocolate

Each of the 6 types has a unique taste. Personally, I like the stable taste of "kinako" and the fragrant "wasabi". Try eating and comparing the unusual Japanese chocolates!

KALDI Coffee Farm "Moheji no Wa Torifu"