Maruka Foods "Kappa Ebisen / Squid Amase Touchi Remon Flavor Mix"
Unstoppable collaboration!

Maruka Foods sells "Kappa Ebisen / Squid Amase Touchi Lemon Flavor Mix". The estimated price is 150 yen (excluding tax). Limited time offer until the end of January 2019.

This is a mixture of "Kappa Ebisen" from Calbee, a company that originated in Hiroshima Prefecture, and "Squid Amase Touchi Remon Flavor" from Maruka Foods, a company that originated in Hiroshima Prefecture. It seems that it is finished as an "infinite loop candy" that you can't stop when you start eating.

"Kappa Ebisen / Squid Amase Touchi Lemon Flavor Mix" that can be used as a snack as well as a snack for sake. Check it out!