Spicy BBQ flavored domestic chicken salad chicken is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast.

"Spicy BBQ-flavored domestic chicken salad chicken" is on sale at FamilyMart, Circle K, and Sunkus stores (excluding some stores). The price is 239 yen (excluding tax).

This is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast. The bright yellow package is a landmark.

Spicy BBQ flavored domestic chicken salad chicken is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast.
Popular salad chicken with new flavor

Spicy BBQ flavored domestic chicken salad chicken is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast.

A fluffy and spicy scent as soon as it is opened. Pepper works well, and the seasoning is strong overall.

Spicy BBQ flavored domestic chicken salad chicken is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast.
Good fragrance

The moist meat is also delicious. The flavor of pepper matches the aroma of soy sauce, making it a perfect salad chicken for a snack of sake.

Spicy BBQ flavored domestic chicken salad chicken is a spicy BBQ flavor based on soy sauce and pepper made from moist steamed chicken breast.

FamilyMart "Spicy BBQ Flavored Domestic Chicken Salad Chicken" is recommended when you are hungry. If you like salad chicken, check it out!