Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste

A new maple syrup "Nomicos Canada Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste" has been released at each Seijo Ishii store (excluding some stores). It contains 330g (11.64oz) and the price is 1,090 yen.

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste

"Golden delicate taste" grade maple syrup made from the earliest harvested sap. The sap harvested at the beginning of the season has a high sugar content, which shortens the heating time. It features a light amber-like color and a light and delicate flavor.

Maple syrup grade
Grade according to harvest time from left to right

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste
Characterized by pale shades

To enjoy the unique flavor of maple, it is recommended to taste it as it is instead of using it for cooking. Sprinkle on sweets and bread, or combine with nuts and cheese to make a flavorful snack. Enjoy the rich sweetness that is perfect for autumn!

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste
Luxurious maple toast soaked in plenty

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste
You can put it on yogurt or ice cream

Nomicos Canadian Maple Syrup Golden Delicate Taste
Also as a snack with nuts and cheese!