Snow Brand Megmilk "Colorful Texture Rich Chocolat Pudding"
Rich pudding made by slowly steaming

"Colorful texture rich chocolate pudding" will be on sale from October 31st for a limited time from Megmilk Snow Brand.

The "Colorful Texture" series is a "4-series pudding" series that is carefully steamed and finished, and is particular about the texture that allows you to enjoy the taste of the ingredients. So far, "colored texture melting custard pudding" and "same dense matcha pudding" have also been sold.

Colorful texture Rich chocolate pudding is a slowly steamed chocolate pudding with a rich taste that is perfect for autumn and winter and a rich texture. You can enjoy the moderate sweetness and bittersweet aftertaste that spreads slowly in your mouth.

70g (2.47oz) x 4 pieces, the estimated price is 270 yen (excluding tax).