Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce

Melty heaven! Introducing 7-ELEVEN "Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce".

A dreamlike doria that combines mentaiko, tororo, and omelet rice. This is a new product that has been on sale since January 30th (excluding some stores). The price is 460 yen including tax.

Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce
7-ELEVEN's new work!

Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce

The melty texture of the mentaiko mixed with grated yam, scrambled eggs, and white sauce with dashi stock is irresistible! In particular, the tororo menta sauce, which spreads the rich umami of mentaiko with a soft texture, is exquisite. Melting cheese further boosts umami. The best in the world where you can get such delicious food at convenience stores!

Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce

And the rice is butter soy sauce rice mixed with dried bonito. It creates a richer flavor and a sense of Japanese unity.

Japanese-style omelet rice doria with tororo menta sauce
Rice is butter soy sauce rice with dried bonito!

The Japanese taste is not too thick and has a moderately addictive taste. If you like mellowness, please try it!