Chun Shui Tang "Salt Chicken Kana Dried Noodles"
"Authentic" ethnic noodles

From October 7th, Taiwanese hot soupless noodles "Shiodori Pakuchiganmen" and "Mala Tantanmen" will be available at each Taiwanese cafe, Chun Shui Tang. .. Both prices are 850 yen (excluding tax).

Shiotori Kana Dried Noodles are a refreshing mixed noodle that combines special salt sauce, ginger, salted chicken marinated with lemon, and plenty of coriander. It's refreshing and you can enjoy it like a salad.

Mala Tantan Noodles is a mixed noodle that combines special meat miso kneaded with 5 kinds of spices such as Chinese pepper and chili pepper and rich peanut Tantan sauce. It is said that the spiciness that comes after the pepper and the taste of peanuts make it an appetizing and hearty dish.

Chun Shui Tang "Mala Tantan Noodles"
The spiciness seems to warm your body