Glico "Giant Cone Adult Matcha Raw Chocolate"
"Adult matcha raw chocolate" on giant corn

"Adult Matcha Pavé Chocolate" has been released for a limited time from Glico's ice cream "Giant Cone" series. The estimated price is 173 yen (tax included).

This is a combination of green tea ice cream and green tea chocolate, topped with chocolate and matcha cookies. Uji matcha is used for all matcha.

Glico "Giant Cone Adult Matcha Raw Chocolate"
Uji matcha is used for matcha ice cream, matcha chocolate, and matcha cookies.

Matcha cookies melt moist and spread an elegant bitterness. Matcha ice cream also has the umami and bitterness of tea, and there are few sweet elements as a whole. In addition, the matcha raw chocolate that is contained in several places is thick and thick, which further enhances the flavor of matcha.

Glico "Giant Cone Adult Matcha Raw Chocolate"
Matcha cookie that melts moist

The bitterness of cocoa-flavored corn and the bitterness of matcha are synchronized for a deeper taste. The chic taste of this bitterness combined with bitterness even gives the impression of autumn. For "adults who want to eat unsweetened sweets"!

Glico "Giant Cone Adult Matcha Raw Chocolate"
Matcha raw chocolate is trolley between ice cream and corn

The flavor is limited to autumn, so it will end as soon as it runs out. Matcha lovers should do it as soon as possible!