Bourbon "Almond Caramel Popcorn Cup" "Coconut Caramel Popcorn Cup"
Make popcorn easier

Bourbon will release two easy-to-eat cups of popcorn on August 2nd. The estimated price is 140 yen each (excluding tax).

"Almond caramel popcorn cup" is a popcorn with cut almonds studded on the surface. Almond paste is also kneaded into the caramel. You can enjoy the two textures and tastes of caramel popcorn and cut almonds.

Bourbon "Almond Caramel Popcorn Cup"
Exhausted almonds

"Coconut Caramel Popcorn Cup" is a popcorn with roasted coconut that goes well with caramel on the surface. Coconut milk powder is mixed in the caramel. It seems that you can enjoy the tropical taste that imaged a tropical country.

Bourbon "Coconut Caramel Popcorn Cup"
Summer popcorn