April Fool's Day limited cup yakisoba "Nissan Yakisoba USO" is now available. It was distributed at Yomiuri Land (Inagi City, Tokyo) on April 1. Along with this, a video featuring Tatsuo Umemiya has been released on the brand site.

April Fool's Limited "Nissan U.S.O." (Source: Nissin Foods HP)
April Fool's Limited "Nissan U.S.O." (Source: Nissin Foods HP)

Nissan Yakisoba USO was planned for April Fool's Day on April 1st. It was distributed free of charge at the newly opened " Guggioba !! " in Yomiuri Land, and the limited 400 pieces were sold out in about 15 minutes.

In order to announce this project, a video featuring Tatsuo Umemiya has been created and published on the brand site.

A "remake version" of a commercial featuring Koji Kikkawa and Kiko Mizuhara. Mr. Umemiya plays all the characters by himself while manipulating paper dolls. The background is a piece of paper depicting a magnificent outer space. The "Thunder Night Breaker" that Mr. Yoshikawa manages brilliantly in the commercial is a floating ring and a bicycle handlebar. It seems that it was "made with an amazing budget", but when you imagine the shooting, it seems to be quite fun.

But quite seriously (Source: Nissin Foods HP)
But quite seriously (Source: Nissin Foods HP)