On January 9, "Mainichi-Milk Kyugyutto Blueberry," which is full of blueberry extract, was released by Japan Dairy Cooperative, which operates the "Mainichi-Milk" brand of milk. The product can be purchased through the company's mail-order website "Mainichi-Milk E-Shop" and "Mainichi-Milk E-Shop" on Rakuten Ichiba. The price is 2,625 yen for a pack of 10 bottles (shipping fee not included).

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This product contains anthocyanin, a type of polyphenol, astaxanthin, which the human body cannot produce, and lutein, which is found in green and yellow vegetables, all concentrated in a 50ml (1.69us fl oz) bottle for easy daily consumption. Among the many varieties of blueberries, the extract from Scandinavian bilberry, which has high anthocyanin content, is used in this product. It is especially recommended for people who use computers and smartphones frequently.

The taste of the drink is said to be gentle and refreshing, thanks to the addition of milk components to the blueberry flavor, utilizing the know-how of a dairy manufacturer.