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I like the "convenience store donuts" I heard from 10,000 people! --How often do you eat?

Following the counter coffee, "convenience store donuts" are now lined up at convenience stores. Have you eaten yet? The En-eating editorial department used to compare eating , but in fact, how much has it penetrated into convenience store users?

Have you ever eaten a convenience store donut?

MyVoiceCom has announced the results of a "questionnaire survey on convenience store donuts" that answers such questions. The experience and frequency of purchasing convenience store donuts and some of the reasons for purchasing are revealed!

■ Have you ever bought a convenience store donut?

When we asked people who use convenience stores about their experience and frequency of purchasing donuts, the following answers were obtained in descending order.

1st place Never purchased 62.7%
2nd place Once a month or less 23.9%
3rd place 2-3 times a month 5.5%
4th place About once a week 3.9%
5th place 2-3 times a week 2.3%
6th place 4-5 times a week or more 1.0%

Experience and frequency of purchasing convenience store donuts

More than 60% of people have never purchased a convenience store donut. It seems that there are still many inexperienced people. In addition, many people who have purchased the product purchase less frequently, such as "less than once a month" or "2 to 3 times a month". However, about 7% of the respondents answered that they were more than once a week, indicating that they have strong fans.

■ Why buy convenience store donuts?

When I asked people who had purchased convenience store donuts why they bought them, the following answers were obtained in descending order. * Multiple answers allowed

1st place Cheap price 37.5%
2nd place Easy to buy even one 32.0%
3rd place Easy to buy 30.0%
4th place Delicious 29.0% for the price
5th place 20.3% as delicious as a donut specialty store

Reasons to buy convenience store donuts

Following the low price, "easy to buy" such as "easy to buy even one" and "easy to buy" ranked high. Certainly, at a donut specialty store where you often face the clerk with a showcase in between and customers are lined up behind you, you may be nervous when choosing, or you may be reluctant to buy only one at To go. There may also be. In that respect, at convenience stores, you can buy something "on the fly" or when you suddenly feel like it, so the hurdle to purchase seems to be low.

The survey period is from October 1st to 5th, 2015. The number of responses was 10,446.
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