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What are you eating after sex? -US site announces top 10

BuzzFeed, a social news provider in the United States, has released A Definitive Ranking Of Foods To Eat After Sex .

Apparently, this ranking is not a proper survey. The ranking is subjective to the female writer Julia Pugachevsky, who wrote the article, and does not seem to be "reliable". But it may be a clue as to what Americans are eating after having sex.

So today, let's take a look at what Americans eat after sex through this ranking. According to Pugachevsky, post-sex food should be easy to eat on the bed, naked. It's even better if the food can increase the intimacy of the two.

The ranking by BuzzFeed is as follows.

1st place ice cream
2nd place block cheese
3rd place Dino Nuggets
4th place chocolate
5th place Leftover birthday cake
6th place Nutella
7th place Chocolate bar (Snickers, KitKat, etc.)
8th place Bagel Bites
9th place Chinese food leftovers
10th place Delimite

1st place ice cream

Pugachevsky states that ice cream is "simple, romantic and perfect" as a post-sex meal. It's also possible to naturally convey that you like the other person without being overwhelming. The recommended way to eat it is to poke one ice cream in a 500ml (16.91us fl oz) cup with two people. Hmmm, it's hot that the ice cream seems to melt ...

Two people eat this.

2nd place block cheese

People who always have cheese in the fridge can use it for the opposite sex. Is it true? Is that so?

If you still do, I will buy as much as you want

3rd place Dino Nuggets

Dino Nuggets are chicken nuggets that are very popular with Americans, especially among children. It's a little cheaper than other chicken nuggets, and its dinosaur shape is a popular point. I used to be surprised to see almost all the shoppers present with Dino Nuggets in their shopping cart when they went to Costco in the United States.

There are also tools and LEGO versions.

The point is that Dino Nuggets are easy to make and can be eaten with one hand. The point is that you can get excited by saying, "I loved this when I was a kid! I miss it!"

4th place chocolate

"Chocolate has an aphrodisiac effect." Some Americans believe so. But Pugachevsky thinks chocolate is better eaten after sex.

You want sugar

5th place Leftover birthday cake

After a birthday party, it's easy to do that ... I do not think so?

Eat cake, go to bed, eat cake again ...

6th place Nutella

Spread with hazelnut paste mixed with cocoa. It is common to spread it on bread and eat it, but there are quite a few adults who lick it by sticking their finger directly into the bottle. Nutella also has a product called "Nutella Snack & Drink" with biscuits and drinks. This is perfect for bed meals because you don't need to prepare bread to apply Nutella.

sweet! The sweetness is unbearable for Japanese people

7th place Chocolate bar (Snickers, KitKat, etc.)

Chocolate bars can easily raise your blood sugar. "You don't have to be an adult all night," says Pugachevsky.
Is it something to eat at midnight? ??

8th place Bagel Bites

A bite-sized bagel topped with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. Eat it by baking it in the oven or heating it in the microwave.

I feel like I can forgive this

9th place Chinese food leftovers

Chinese restaurants in the United States are large (and cheap!) Anyway. Therefore, the leftover food will be taken home. If you poke this with two people, you can have an intimate atmosphere like a family.

It seems like it doesn't matter anymore ...

10th place Delimite

According to Pugachevsky, he wants at least three types of deli meat. The act of eating meat in bed seems to be wild and "really!"

Your hands will be messy, though.

Pugachevsky also lists instant noodles as the 12th place. It's good to be able to choose from various flavors. If the flavors selected are the same, the bond between the two will be stronger. Two people who like beef flavor can be the best couple. Hmm? ??

No Japanese people eat instant noodles after sex, right? If you do something like that, you will be shaken, right?

See BuzzFeed for foods in the top 10 and below.
Keyword / Categories
Bread Bar Chocolate Ice cream Bagel
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