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"This coffee is from that customer." "Eh ..."-At Starbucks, you can use Twitter to give away coffee.

In Starbucks, USA, "Tweet --a --Coffee", a service that allows you to give coffee to your friends using Twitter, has been launched. The service is currently only available in the United States.

Give that girl a coffee using Twitter

"Tweet --a --Coffee" is a new service that allows you to give $ 5 worth of "Starbucks Card e-Gift" to your friends and followers using Twitter. It is currently in beta and is only available in the United States.

It's very simple to use! First, log in to your Starbucks account from the "Tweet --a --Coffee" special site. Next, log in to your Twitter account and synchronize with the "Tweet --a --Coffee" service. Then tweet "@ tweetacoffee to @ ○○" on the tweet screen and you're done. In place of ○○, enter the Twitter account name of the person to whom you want to send the e-gift. It is also possible to enter a message up to 120 characters. By the way, the $ 5 e-gift fee seems to be paid by the credit card registered in the Starbucks account.

This is a dedicated tweet screen. If you tweet, all you have to do is wait!

There are various uses, such as giving it to your boss who is indebted to you, or giving it to your classmates who are always sleepy during class. It's a pity that it can only be used in the United States, but it's a convenient and fashionable service that I definitely want to try if it is realized in Japan someday!

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