Home   »   Recipe   »   Soup / miso soup   »   Easy recipe for "Corn Cream Rice Cake" with Powdered Corn Soup! Unexpectedly delicious! Also good for consuming leftover rice cakes!

Easy recipe for "Corn Cream Rice Cake" with Powdered Corn Soup! Unexpectedly delicious! Also good for consuming leftover rice cakes!

Corn cream cake

A recipe for corn cream rice cakes that can be easily made with only rice cakes and powdered corn soup. It is also a great way to consume leftover rice cakes from the New Year's holiday.

Material ( for one person )
rice cakes cut into rectangles (usu. eaten on New Year's Da) two (objects)
Powdered corn soup 1 bag

Why not make "corn cream rice cakes" to consume leftover rice cakes from New Year's? It is a simple recipe that requires only powdered corn soup and rice cakes.

Corn Cream

Mochi" with Powdered Corn Soup Recipe


2 cut rice cakes
1 bag powdered corn soup


Cut rice cakes into quarters and put corn soup in a bowl.

Heat the rice cakes in a microwave-safe container, cover with plastic wrap, and microwave for 1-2 minutes until puffed.

Put the rice cake into the bowl and sprinkle the powder all over the rice cake.

How does it taste?

It tastes better than you can imagine. Corn soup in its powdered form has a powerful creamy, rich flavor. This goes great with the rice cakes, which are very satisfying.

The rich, salty and delicious flavor is somewhat junky and lingering. It is powdery like kinako mochi (soybean flour rice cake) at the moment you put it in your mouth, but it melts and mellows out in your mouth!

It is also good when the powder is blended after a little time.

By the way, I tried it with corn soup dissolved in hot water, thinking, "Wouldn't it be the same if I put the mochi in the soup? But the soup would run off the mochi and the flavor would not be balanced. It's not bad, but to compete with the volume of the rice cake, it would be better to keep the soup in powder form.

Balance is good for rice cakes in powder form
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