Confectionery Workshop Grape Forest "Nyanoko no Choco Monaka in Kanazawa

Confectionery Kobo Budo no Mori: Nyanko no Choco

Monaka in Kanazawa

Confectionery Kobo Budo no Mori, which operates mainly in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, will sell a new product, "Nyanko no Choco Monaka in Kanazawa," to celebrate its 5th anniversary on Cat Day (February 22) this year. Priced at 1,512 yen for a pack of six, or 238 yen per piece (tax included). The product will be on sale from February to May, when the chocolate does not melt.

Nyanko's Choco Monaka in Kanazawa

The monaka seed (dama) in the shape of a kitten "tiger" is filled with chocolate and topped with walnuts and Noto salt. The savory monaka dough is made from "Shintaisho mochi" glutinous rice produced in the Hokuriku region. Two types of monaka are available: one with a melancholy tiger's back, the other with TORA's signature.

Confectionery Workshop Grape Forest "Nyanoko no Choco Monaka in Kanazawa

For the chocolate, we selected chocolate from Cacao Trace, a sustainable program that connects everyone's happiness with chocolate, just like the "tiger" who wants to be kind to everyone for the painful past he has overcome.

The topping is made of savory and textured walnuts and the well-known Noto salt. The presence and fullness of the coarse salt enhances the taste of the other ingredients.