Chateraise "Adult's Day Cake


"Coming-of-Age Day Cake"

Chateraise will sell a gorgeous "Coming-of-Age Day Cake" suitable for the celebration of coming-of-age in limited quantities and for a limited time from January 6 (Fri.) to January 9 (Mon.).

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ult's Day Decoration Cake is decorated with carefully selected Japanese ingredients. The sponge baked with Okinawa wasanbon sugar and domestic rice flour is soaked in wasanbon syrup with rum and sandwiched between Kaga-bo hojicha cream with Hokkaido azuki sweet beans. It is finished with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.

Chateraise "Happy Adult's Day Decoration

The size is 11 cm and the price is 2,484 yen (tax included).

Adult's Day Strawberry Cup Dessert

A gorgeous cup dessert decorated with gold leaf and chocolate petals. Rich cocoa-flavored cookie crunch is layered with gently sweetened strawberry cream, sweet and sour strawberry jelly, cheese cream, and garnished with a bouquet of shibori.

Chateraise "Adult's Day Strawberry Cup Dessert

Priced at 399 yen (tax included).

Adult's Day Happy Shortcake

: A cake designed to look like a small bouquet of flowers. Sponge crumbs, strawberry cream with strawberries (with strawberry powder), and whipped cream are layered in a cup, and strawberry flavored cream is squeezed like a flower to finish. This cute and colorful cake will add a touch of color to your coming-of-age celebration.

Chateraise "Happy Adult's Day Shortcake

The price is 518 yen (tax included).