Mos Burger "Mixed Shake Sweet Summer

Mos Burger will sell "Mixed Shake Sweet Summer" for a limited time. It will be available from May 18 to mid-July. At the same time, the popular "Marugoto! Lemon Ginger Ale with Sweet Summer Sauce [0.5% sweet summer juice from Kyushu] and Sweet Summer Ginger Ale [0.5% sweet summer juice from Kyushu], which were popular last year, are also back on sale.

As a hamburger chain born in Japan, Mos Burger is committed to creating appealing products that are not uniform throughout the country, taking advantage of the ingredients and characteristics of each region of Japan. This time, three types of drinks using amanatsu from Kyushu will be on sale.

The amanatsu drink "Marugoto! Lemon Ginger Ale with Sweet Summer Sauce" and "Sweet Summer Ginger Ale," both of which were sold last year, and a new product, "Mawaru Shake Sweet Summer," will also be available. Last year, the product was produced in Kumamoto Prefecture, but this time the area will be expanded to use amanatsu from Kyushu.

Mix Shake Sweet Summer

This shake combines a sauce made from amatsu (sweet summer orange) with Mosche Shake Vanilla. This drink offers a refreshing sweet and sour taste with a balance of sweetness and sourness. Enjoy it while mixing the sweet summer sauce and vanilla shake. The price is 310 yen for the S size and 380 yen for the M size. The sauce is made from Kyushu-grown amanatsu and contains 1.2% fruit juice.

Mos Burger "Mixed Shake Sweet Summer

Whole! Lemon Ginger Ale with Sweet Summer Sauce [0.5% sweet summer juice from Kyushu

The "Marugoto! Lemon Ginger Ale" series, which uses a whole fresh lemon, was sold for a limited time last year and was very popular. Lemon Ginger Ale" series, which uses a whole fresh lemon, was sold for a limited time last year and was very popular. This year's product is the fourth in the series. The sauce is made from Kyushu-grown amatsuatsu (sweet summer fruit), mixed with ginger ale and a whole fresh lemon (not from the Seto Inland Sea), cut into wedges. This time, we used the "sweet summer" sauce from Kyushu. The number of "sanou" (Japanese vinegared sweet summer squash) used in the sauce has been increased from last year to give the drink a deeper flavor with a more textured texture and a more pronounced amanatsu and lemon aroma.

Mos Burger "Marugoto! Lemon Ginger Ale with Sweet Summer Sauce [0.5% sweet summer juice from Kyushu]".

Amatsu Ginger Ale [0.5% amatsunatsu juice from Kyushu

This is a carbonated drink made with Kyushu sweet summer orange juice, mixed with ginger ale. The taste of amanatsu can be felt more strongly. Priced at 230 yen for the S size, 290 yen for the M size, and 360 yen for the L size.